GPS Accuracy of the Garmin Flagships

As a kid I fantasized about how great it would be to have a map…

Garmin GPSMAP 67 unacceptable drift

This is a report on the issue of the Garmin GPSMAP 67 in which we…

KeePass, Keeweb with OneDrive and Dropbox

Introduction This blog describes some hints to get a self hosted Keeweb working with a…

Mercator projections, a comparison

Introduction While writing the previous post on Rijksdriehoeksmeting and OziExplorer, we came upon two map…

OziExplorer and Rijksdriehoeksmeting

Introduction OziExplorer is my favorite tool for working with topographical maps. Even in this era…

Serving your own PDOK maps

I am fascinated by navigation and maps. When I visit a new location one of…

White balance underwater

A well known phenomenon to divers is the fact that water absorbs light, the red…

OziExplorer maps from GeoTIFF

Introduction I still find Oziexplorer an excellent and versatile program for navigation, despite of the…

Window of opportunity

When taking wide angle photos underwater we observe a remarkable effect: if we look up…